Hey all,
We are taking this time during Covid19 and the lockdown 2.0 of 2020 to setup our showroom with working display printers.
For anyone who has been into our reception area over the last 6 months, you would know the challenges we have had with spare parts, rebuilding machines and general untidiness.
After Coved has left us we intend to open up on Saturday mornings for you to come in and see our range of 3D printers on show, buy your filament and perhaps even collect your orders.
Today we took one of the early steps in adding to our working displays with a Creality Ender 5 Pro
We started with a heavy box:

One thing I really love about Creality is the thoughfulness behind the packaging and the extra padding around the machine – even in transit it would be hard to damage one of these.

Removing the heatbead and the top layer exposed something I have not seen before in a printer – a roll of PLA filament.
Its nice to open a box and literally have everything everything you need to test your device, in the box!

Right down to the bottom layer – the packaging is spot on.

Even though this unit is “Some assembly required” the main parts are pre-assembled for you.

In a little over an hour this will be the new home for this Creality Ender 5 Pro (Right next to the Ender 3 v2) – pictured below this are a heap of the Aurarum factory seconds we sell direct to the public – a great way to try a new filament, a different colour etc whilst saving a few dollars too!

The packaging of materials, screws etc, the labelling and the instructions are all well laid and thought out – plus the tools you need to get running – it’s all here.

It takes shape so quickly…

Adding in the Z rails – they feel like quality.

And just like that, we have a working printer. A few bolts, a couple of connections, add 240v via an included IEC cable and switch the power to on… Thats its – add filament and you are done!

Want it even easier – add auto bed levelling with a BL Touch – an dit automatically sets your height of the hot end from the bed … now all you need is a 3D file and you are printing.

We pressed “play” on the obligatory ‘Bender head’ and closed up for the day … I will add a picture of the first print tomorrow for you.
The complete range of CREALITY printers are available now from AURARUM right here in Knoxfield, Victoria, Australia.
Local support, local warranty, local advice and 100% Australian made printers, filaments and accessories.
Support local business, support local manufacturing, support local jobs…
www. AURARUM.com.au